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Guide d'Oneironaut

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Guide d'Oneironaut Empty Guide d'Oneironaut

Message par Suelerium Lun 31 Mai - 4:43

Version originale ICI

This is going to be a pseudo guide from how to premade to what to do while in a premade.

It is very long. It also assumes you're in a premade and can actively communicate; preferably with a microphone.

When making a premade;

Be sure to format a plan. And let anyone leave to change runes if need be.

Make sure to ask if everyone is ready before starting.

Be sure to state whether or not you are going to tryhard or if you are just playing casual. Sometimes people just want to relax and try new builds or champions, while other people are on a losing streak and are looking to your premade for a victory. Both are good reasons to play, but they do not mesh together; a fight/raging will likely follow. If I wanted a serious game I would not be too happy to find out that "First time as TF btw" As minions spawn.

What is your plan; how are you going to stick to it?

Is someone getting a snowball item? Sword of the Occult or Mejas? Try to let them get kills; even if you "deserve" it.

Assist gold is given depending on damage done to the target; the "killer" or person who threw down the last hit on an enemy gets a static amount of gold (excluding bounty) simply for scoring the actual kill.

However; if let's say I'm Jax. I beat the **** out of Alistar and then Kassadin comes to help out if need be and he has a mejas; I will promptly let him have th ekill.

Why would I do that? Don't I care about my stats?

I do care about my stats, and have been vehemently trying to get Twitch off of my top 3 for weeks now. And I care about my individual K/D as well. But I personally care more about winning. Because
1. I get IP.
2. I get to face better opponents - Therefore I get to learn more about the game.
3. Why play if you don't want to win? This is a strategy game, the big reward comes from having a better strategy than your opponents.

And in my example, Kassadin would benefit intensely more from that single kill, than I would. And I would still get a substantial amount of gold.


Laning is important. You want to try to even out the gold, or attempt to distribute it according to who is in your lane.

What do you mean?

Well, again let's say I'm Jax. And my lane partner is Morgana. I run out of mana quickly, and personally do not take regen items. Morgana can farm like no tomorrow. I have to rely on last hitting minions in order to make a profit, unless I want to waste mana by using stun/empower.

So I have to communicate to my teammates that I need to buy items as well, and that I need some last hits and perhaps she should use her AoE every other wave, or when we're defending/pushing.

That way we both make a good amount of gold and neither one of us is under farmed.

What do you mean last hitting? How is that useful?

Sometimes you encounter team compositions that are gank heavy. In this case you want to defend and DO NOT WANT TO PUSH THE LANE. You want to be as close to your tower at all times as possible.

How do I do this? You let the minions battle it out, and you score the "last hit" that kills the minions before your minions do. This way the lane stays more or less in the middle(or at your tower if the enemy is pushing) instead of at their tower.

But don't I want to take down their tower ASAP?

Of course you do. But it takes finesse. At early game, being at the enemy tower is the most dangerous place you can be. Even more so if you are at mid.

Laning is often overlooked as the "boring" part of the game. But in actuality it is one of the most complex and interesting parts of the game IMO.

You have to evaluate your lane versus your enemies and decide; based on how well you think they're doing what you should be doing.

If you are Ashe, laning with Shen, against Alistar and Jax. You probably do not want to be pushing. They have more CC, and more damage, as well as an AoE heal that also heals minions. They will likely push. And as a result you can possibly gank at your tower. Especially with Shen.

And even though they are pushing your tower, you actually have the advantage.

How so?

If they are at your tower they are at an immense disadvantage as long as you and your partner do not die.

They are FAR away from safety.
Easy to gank.
Likely to make mistakes.

But what if our line-up consists of good pushers/CC/survivability?

Then by all means push if you think it a wise thing to do!

I am able to gank both my enemies and push a tower down on the first go rather often, actually. However this is more due to mistakes on my enemies part, then some natural tower pushing gift of mine.

The key to pushing is thinking on your feet, observant of the minimap and a quick reaction to enemy mistakes.

You have to be able to capitalize on an enemies misstep, or poor usage of a valuable skill like Ashe's arrow, or Morgana's snare.

We're at the tower, what do we do now?

Attack it.

And be wary of global ultimates. Is Ashe in mid? Did she have a decent amount of mana before; and yet it looks like about 150 mana may be missing?

You must be aware, of when to move in, and when not to.

If you can kill it, do so.

What if I might die in the process?

If you have any snowball stacks (Levi, SotO or Mejas) then run!

But otherwise your death is incredibly valuable.

Your death just gave everyone on your team gold, and it means you are officially winning (assuming yours is th efirst to go down)

But what if an enemy shows up?

That depends on whether or not you can tank tower shots + escape or if you have CC + burst damage. Many champions can be tower dived easily; and many champions can tower dive more easily then you would think.

If your champ has a blink or an ability that can go over walls; if you tower dive to get the kill, your enemy will likely run up their lane, away from the towers range. Where you can get the kill far away from the tower. Simply blink over the jungle terrain and off you to safety; as your team takes down the tower.

Also if you do NOT plan on tower diving be wary of AoE or summons (tibbers/clone). Which may draw aggro from the tower. I've died multiple times as Malphite forgetting that attacking the tower after getting brutal strikes draws aggro on me.

So we got the tower; we are currently the MVP on our team. Now what?

If you're close to items you need farm them up quickly.

And then push other lanes as hard as possible.

Something odd that happens, that I see even good players do, is that even though their tower is down they return to that lane to farm or counter push.

This leaves you to push the opposite lane, and if coordinated correctly, that is 2 towers down in a handful of minutes at most.

Alternatively, you can push mid. I only advise this if you know you can take it down or gravely wound said tower without a doubt.

Either lane can easily run to mid in a few seconds to help out, not to mention global ults are bound to be used immediately.

Because mid is the single most important lane. Period.

Sometimes it's worth the risk. Often a team fight happens, you win and can push their mid lane all the way to base.

This is what I mean when I say you have to be able to react to enemies mistakes when pushing lanes. Amazing things happen becuase of this ability.

Ok Ok You say mid is so important, but why should I believe you?

Mid is the shortest lane. Which means more minions reach that lane, since all lanes have the same minion spawn time.

So if you, say push mid to the inhibitor, you have a substantially larger amount of minions entering their base from middle then Top or Bot. Which means more damage to their towers AND it means they HAVE to defend.

So, doesn't that just give them more gold?


But if only 1 person is defending their nexus that means you are free to take your 4 other teammates and push any other tower you want.

Which means they either 4V5 and hope they win. Or they try and 5V5 and hope minions don't take down turrets or hope that someone doesn't just walk up there and destroy them themselves.

Okay, well we got middle inhib, just like you said. Now we push other lanes?

That depends. Did you just have a team fight?


Obviously you won, and obviously the enemy is more or less dead?



You mean don't run all the way to top/bottom and push those?


If you can take down even 1 Nexus turret; you have practically already won the game.

This means they have to defend. No matter what, and it likely means a damage dealer has to defend becuase they have to kill super minions fast enough to keep the last standing nexus turret alive.

That means guaranteed team fight victories as long as super minions approach the nexus.

This also means you can bait the other team.


Make them think you're doing one thing, and then do another. Or make them think a situation is one way, when it is an entirely different one.


For example, if you are currently in the teamfighting phase; you can hide in the bushes, and have a teammate purposely push a lane too far. And then retreat as enemies show up; where you can promptly gank them.

Remember to tell them a joke when this happens. It isn't r@pe if they're laughing. ( I dodge censors bro)

So let's say Jax is defending their last Nexus turret, like I explained earlier.

You can send someone(s) with good portability to make it appear that you are pushing top or bottom.

This will likely draw then enemy to those towers.

You then go with the rest of your team, to take out the remaining Nexus turret and maybe even the Nexus itself. Because their teammates either have to recall/ or walk all the way back.

PLENTY of time to kill a tower, even with Jax there.

You then have complete freedom to do whatever you want. Feel free to go take a dump, as super minions kill Nexus, if you please.

But wait, they're all defending! I can't drop a deuce right now!

Oh snap, you're right!

Push to the other inhibs.

Take them down.

Go take a dump.

Because you won.

Thanks, anything else I should know?

Etiquette is important.

If your team has bad players, helping them in a non-dismissive way may literally win you the game.

If someone is doing bad, they know it. They don't need you to remind them, they were there.

Give them tips, and possibly throw in some smiley faces to ensure you are being genuine.

Suggestions are...






Also when someone does well, even if you already know they're a good player; letting them know their efforts are appreciated may also go a long way.

And really it makes the game more enjoyable for everyone.

**** talking is really silly.

A trend you will notice is someone capitlaizes on your mistakes and say sometihng like

"Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen"
"LOL noob"
"Your build sucks"


You don't need to **** talk them back. You can respond..


And when you inevitably do better than them/win the game/rape them mercilessly

They will leave end-game chat ASAP.

I'm not kidding.

**** talkers who ended up looking stupid becuase they didn't end up with **** to talk about are seriously the first to leave chat because of embarrassment.

Don't bother arguing with them, you can win the ****-talking battle without every talking. Which really, makes you the most skilled **** talker there ever was.

Any other tips?

Try out new champions. Try out new builds. On new and favorite champions alike. Try different playstyles. Try different team compositions.

Get a real feel for the game, try not to be a 1-trick pony.

Go AP Amumu, because, why not?

Get a feel for your champions before you play with other people in solo que. There are practice modes; and you can play with other people there as well; or simply with bots if you prefer.

Get a handle on your champions short-comings,and their strengths. As well as item builds.

I'm sure you have more to add?

Do not always listen to hearsay.

Remember to take everything with a grain of salt.

Some people say Malady sucks. Some say it's great.

Don't just take them for their word, look at what malady is. It is attack speed and life steal, and a small on-hit proc that isn't very prolific.

Okay, what does attack speed do?

It makes you hit faster.

How much faster? 50%

What does life steal do?

It steals life based on the amount of damage you do.

Already a logical thinking person will see that the lifesteal is negligible unless you do a lot of damage. Not to mention a logical person see 50% and realizes that isn't a lot, because 50% of a little bit, is

an even smaller bit; ontop of your already "little bit" of attack speed.

So now you say..

If I don't hit hard, and if I don't already hit that fast, lifesteal isn't that big of a deal; nor is hitting a small amount faster with my already small damage.

And I would actually get more DPS just getting straight up damage; if the above applies to my current situations; like if it is early game..

But even then, rushing Malady might fit your playstyle perfectly. And maybe it's the perfect item for you. That's what you have to discover.

Try different builds; go out of your way to find out if people are full of **** or not. You should take this piece of advice into the real world, as well.

It is invaluable.

Are you done yet?

I can't think of anything else to add, and I think downtime is over now...


Messages : 423
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010


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