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Noob guide to starter ranked champions

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Noob guide to starter ranked champions Empty Noob guide to starter ranked champions

Message par Suelerium Ven 10 Juin - 22:33

Un petit guide d'Elementz, trouvable sur son site, et que je trouve fort bien fait.

En résumé, il conseille aux noobs en ranked solo queue de jouer :
- Renekton, Jarvan et Irelia en melee AD
- MF, Corki, Tristana, Caitlyn en ranged AD
- Sion, Annie, Alistar, Gragas, Malza, Vlad en carry AP
- Amumu, Warwick, Nocturne, Nunu en jungle
- Shen, Garen, Singed, Cho Gath en tanks
- Janna, Soraka, Sona en supports
- Eve, Taric, Alistar en roamers.

L'idée étant que ces champions sont à la fois faciles à jouer et puissants. J'avoue que j'aime bien l'idée, et ça me donne presque envie d'abandonner mes Udyr, Jax, Kassadin, etc, pour arrêter de m'arracher les cheveux Smile.

Noobs Guide To Starter Ranked Champions 101 Part 1

I get this question a lot.. "Elementz what champion can I play to increase my Elo!" or "I am just starting ranked games, what champions are the best for improving my chances of winning!" Well my good friends, this guide will attempt to solve those problems for you by showing you which champions are great and easy to learn!

AD Carries - Now this role comes with some responsibility because one thing you generally need to know how to do is "Last Hit" which is hitting the minion just before it dies to get the gold. AD carries need to be farmed so they can dish out big damage. So what AD carries farm the easiest? Well a lot of melee AD carries farm well and some ranged ones too. Here's my list

Melee AD's -

Renekton - Heals himself in lane with his Q. His E gives him the ability to get out of a lot of gank situations. Q,W makes last hitting easy. His R is great for a quick burst of HP to bait people into thinking your low and then you turn around and kill them!

Jarvan - Q does a lot of damage for a cheap mana cost. E + Q combo to escape ganks. W added slow + shield for even more survivability.

Irelia - Q spam on creeps makes last hitting a breeze. W gives you a heal per auto attack. E is a slow/stun depending on their HP. She's got built in tenacity as well which is great for escaping ganks. R gives the added bonus of large amounts of life steal when used on minion waves and also farms them up nicely!

I find these melee champions the best to lane with as they are hard to kill, CS well, and are generally easy champions to get the hang of.


Ranged AD's -

Miss Fortune - Passive makes her move speed incredibly fast. Q makes last hitting easy and harassing the enemy in lane. W is bonus damage for easy last hits. E to slow enemy gankers. Her R clears entire minion waves as well. Easy farming.

Caitlyn - Q spam to harass and clear minions. Passive makes last hitting much easier (250% creep damage on 8th attack), her traps give great lane control and her E makes escaping ganks easy.

Corki - Q harasses and deals a good AoE damage to last hit minions. His passive is 10% more damage can't complain about that! W is a great escape ability. R is great for poking and clear waves combined with Q/E.

Tristana - Her passive range gives you an advantage to poke/last hit from a safe distance. W can be used offensively and defensively for a great way to be safe. E automatically clears minion waves as minions explode when they die making for easy last hits on other minions. Her R is a massive knock back + damage burst, great for killing/escaping ganks.

I find these four to have the best lane presence. They can CS well with their natural abilities, have good escape abilities/survivability in lane and aren't too difficult to master either.


Now onto AP carries. AP carries just like AD carries require you to be a pretty good last hitter. Fortunately AP carries are usually easier to last hit with as you can usually cast your spells and clear waves. So here's my recommended AP carry list.

Sion - His Q is a 1.5 second stun great for counter ganking champions. His W is a shield + AoE burst. His shield does some really great burst on the minion waves. His passive E ability gives him extra damage making last hitting a breeze.

Annie - Q spam is all you need on her to be a great farmer. Q costs no mana when you last hit a minion with it so you can spam it on low creeps all day long! Her passive allows you to zone other champions because people are afraid of being stunned. Her W clears waves easily too.

Alistar - Q with his new passive he clears minion waves very fast! He can also heal himself with E, and knock enemy gankers back with W. He can also play aggressive and deal large bursts of damage to enemy champions using his W+Q combo. His R makes him invincible literally.. For 5 seconds so laning with him is real safe!

Gragas - Gragas!? You might say as an AP carry!? Yes :DHe is actually a very strong laner and a strong burst AP carry. Farming with Q is a breeze it's a large AoE burst. W for free mana regen + damage reduction + AD for all around lane sustainability and easier last hits. E for escaping ganks or playing aggressive and slowing enemy champions. R is amazing for getting out of ganks as well, just simply blow people away!

Malzahar - His Q is an AoE silence that clears minions well. His E gives mana back when it kills a minion and bounces from minion to minion clearing waves. His passive adds a minion that also helps clear waves. Last hitting and clearing waves is a breeze on Malz! His ultimate makes ganking his lane extremely easy.

Vladimir - Now Vlad starts out a little weak but once you get a couple levels he really takes off. His Q gives him a lot of life back. His W makes him incredibly hard to gank as he becomes invincible in this state, and his E is great for clearing the waves + extra last hitting. He can CS like a boss and there's not a lot of things people can do to stop him once he gets some levels (level 9 is when he really shines with q level 5)

I find these AP carries to be the easiest to play in lane. Giving you the ability to farm with ease and have a strong laning presence.


Onto junglers! Now junglers that you want are the ones that are the safest if you're trying to learn them. Clearing it with high HP and being able to gank afterwards is a good thing to have. So here are my jungle recommendations.

Junglers - (Remember to always get someone to pull and DPS your blue! It helps out so much!)

Amumu - W + E clear the jungle very quickly and with cloth 5x pots he does it at nearly full HP with a 4ish min clear. His ganks with Q are very strong as well. He's one of the best junglers as his team fighting ability is crazy as well!

Warwick - He's not that fast but he's VERY safe. His ability to jungle safely is awesome, and his ganks at 6 are VERY strong. His Q + W give him all the lfiesteal + attack speed you'll need. He's a great tank/dps for any team.

Nocturne - His jungle isn't the "safest" but he still manages to clear it quickly and with a decent amount of hp remaining at the end. His ganks early are strong with Q + E combo's and his ganks at 6 are WAY better then Warwick's haha. His ability to gank is pretty much unrivalled at 6. His W gives him natural attack speed + spell shield to escape any ganks that might happen on you and his Q gives him an MS buff + bonus AD. He's a very strong jungler.

Nunu - Just like WW he's extremely safe to jungle with. His Q gives him HP back and deals large amounts of burst (500 damage at level 1). He's a great counter jungler, and even if you choose not too his jungle is still a safe and easy clear. His ganks are strong because his slow from his E is amazing and his move speed increase with his W makes him VERY hard to run from. Nunu is a great jungler/tank to have.

I find these junglers to have the best abilities for new players to learn with and give them a safe/reliable jungling experience then some of the more advanced junglers.

Let's start out with some tanks I feel are easy to get a hold of, have good survivability, and can generally do well for your team. These champions listed are naturally tanky so tanking with them should be a breeze!

Shen - He was considered for the longest time to be the strongest tank in the game and in our current NA meta he is a very strong tank. He's very good for Solo Queue where our NA meta seems to be still in effect. (not for you EU's though :p) His Q does a lot of damage when maxed, his shield absorbs a lot of damage, his taunt can basically stun multiple enemies when it hits and his ultimate allows you to push lanes, take towers, and be at any team fight in literally a second not to mention a great shield to save allies. Overall Shen is easy to get a hold of and is a pretty good tank.

Garen - Now Garen's a little different from other tanks because he's a DPS tank. He dish's out A LOT of damage early game with his E (judgement) combine that with a champion like Taric for his stun + burst and you get easy early game kills all day long. You can build Garen sort of hybrid tank/dps with a couple tank items and a couple DPS items and really absorbs a lot of damage while dealing a lot at the same time. His ultimate is a fantastic burst for low champions and his W and Q give him a lot of survivability. He's a great tank for starting players.

Singed - Now this tank is a very strong tank if you learn to play him well. You can carry your teams easily if you can play a good Singed. He clears minions quickly, does a lot of damage, and is naturally tanky (his ultimate makes him a super tank basically) Since he can farm so well he usually get's a lot of items and that makes him able to dive pretty much any target in a team fight using his W (giant slow goo haha) and toss them back into your team. Singed can also be built AP/Tanky and deal even more damage. Learning Singed is a great way to increase your Elo if you enjoy tanks!

Cho'Gath - Now this mo'fo doesn't mess around. His laning phase is very strong due to the damage he can deal and his survivability from his passive (heal HP and Mana on minion kills) and his passive E (extra damage auto attacks) makes CSing a breeze. He can burst hard like Garen with his ultimate feast for TRUE damage which is just so nice. Cho can build AP/Tank Hybrid just like Singed and do quite well. Full tank or hybrid AP, pure AP isn't that strong. He's got a lot of CC too with his Q aoe knock up and his W and cone long lasting silence! Cho's a very good tank to be good with.


Onto the support champions! Generally support champions don't get a lot of CS, usually grab some GP5 items (gold per 5), ward up the map, and help out who needs it. Here's some of the champs I feel do that best for getting started.

Sona - Playing Sona is just so easy as far as supporting goes. She's Udyr in support form and it's just awesome. She can also deal a lot of DPS for a support champion and he passive gives added abilities to her auto attacks after 3 spells have been used. She's quick, she can deal damage, she heals, and she's got a large burst/stun that makes people dance. As far as support goes she's one of my favorites and she's quite fun to play too!

Janna - She's known for winning games because she was an extremely powerful support at one time. She did get nerfed a bit though so now we a great champion still who's ability to support is very strong still just not god tier anymore haha :p Now Janna is one of the harder supports to learn as you may knock away targets of interest using her ultimate. All you have to learn is good positioning with her and you should be okay though. She comes with build in speed (super fast! passive + w), as slow/nuke, a shield that add's + damage, and an ultimate that knocks people back and then heals your team which is great for countering AoE comps. Janna's just awesome and if you learn to play her well she's a great asset to any team.

Soraka - I really think Soraka is kinda OP for Solo Queue. She just heals SO much! This is a support that if you're good with you CARRY YOUR TEAM WITH because that's how imba healing is for Solo Queue. If you build a couple gp5 items, then get some AP items, you can burst heal people for 1100+ which is crazy! Her Q doesn't do crazy damage but add's to her utility, her W is a single target heal granting 80 armor (that's a lot!) and her E silences targets, or if casted on allied champions if gives them mana and also gives you mana if you cast it on yourself. You have 0 mana issues with this champion making her laning phase of the game very strong. Soraka is just great and if you're looking to really raise up your Elo playing support I'd say Soraka is the way to do it.


Finally we got roamers. Now roamers generally move from lane to lane killing, denying, or causing enemy champions to blow their summoners making it easy for your team mates to kill those champions and win the lane. I recommend getting a few GP5's on roamers, and mobility boots so going from lane to lane ganking is easy.

Eve - I hate recommending Eve but she's so damn easy to play and she's so just broken in Solo Queue it's not funny. Camp lanes with stealth, pick up kills on anyone who overextends. That's all you have to know on her. AP or AD works. Just go from lane to lane ganking and ganking and ganking.

Taric - Now Taric is a support champ as well but he's also a good roamer. His ranged stun, + W burst combo is strong and combo that with your allied champions damage on the target and you can pick up some easy kills real early.

Alistar - King of the brush! Haha, I say that because that's what you should do. Hide in the top brush, bot brush, any brush at level 1, get Q his stun, stun target with allied champion help, kill or get them low + burned a summoner, rinse repeat and kill enemy champion! This works great early game and if you get that early kill can snowball you into some great items that make you that much stronger. Your burst is high with your Q and W, you also got a built in heal which makes taking damage not so bad on Alistar. Speaking of not taking damage his ultimate makes you invincible haha (not really but it removes all CC even suppression, and you take 75% less damage from all sources) so it's an AMAZING ultimate to use when you're in trouble or need to dive someone. Alistar is one hell of a great roamer and if you do it well you really setup your team to win the game.

That's all for my "Noobs Guide To Starter Ranked Champions 101" I hope you enjoyed it. Try out these champions and see if you have success with them in ranked as they are all good champions for Solo Queue and should really help you get a hang of the game if you're just starting out!

Messages : 423
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010


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