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Ranked Solo Queue

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Message par makemashita Mer 17 Nov - 7:18

Un article par Elmementz

Solo Queue Tips Article! + Podcast & Interview!

November 16th, 2010
Hey guys. I got an old article I wrote and updated it with some more information and tips on what makes a good solo queue player. I also got a podcast on 25 mins to surrender and a written interview on Runeterra with Onisnake.

Podcast Link: http://25minstosurrender.podomatic.com/player/web/2010-11-08T18_46_50-08_00

Interview with Onisnake of Runeterra: http://runeterra.com/forums/index.php?topic=1740.new#new

So you guys can check both of those out and read my updated Solo Queue Tips Article!

So in in my recent solo queue games I’ve started to notice a trend that causes people to lose games. This trend is also effecting me a lot as it’s literally the reason I lose every game. So I thought I’d shed some light on the community on what to do and when to do it correctly because making these decisions is quite game breaking.

1.) Since you’re all smart players I know you got dragon warded (if not.. Ward Dragon and take a jungler in all games) when you see that Warwick, Amumu, Olaf, Etc.. going for Dragon. I can’t stress this enough.. THIS IS THE TIME YOU GROUP UP BEFORE THEM!! Grouping up and killing the jungler who’s at Dragon is such an advantage. Not only does the jungler on the other team suffer as he wasted time on dragon you most likely got a couple kills and dragon out of it.

Also if you’re middle or bottom lane and you kill an enemy champion in lane now is the time to do dragon. Ping for your jungler to come because you can take dragon now 4v3 on your side making for an easy dragon kill. If they decide to take you on that’s fine because you have the advantage and you can most likely get some kills and dragon. Win win for your team.

Mid, bottom (always have 2 players bottom for better Dragon control, that’s why mid and top are the solo’s) and your jungler need to collapse ASAP on dragon to make this possible. I know good team work is hard but if everyone knows this it makes it that much easier.

Not grouping up when you need to at vital times really makes or breaks the game for your team.

2.) Communication is key to winning games. Calling MIA is important as watching the mini map can be hard if you’re in a heated battle trying to kill someone and then all of a sudden it’s 2v1 and you died because you didn’t realize someone was MIA. It’s a simple rule that helps everyone.

At the same time don’t be a jerk and blame you going 1-5 in your lane because the lack of MIA’s. You should watch the mini map and be aware.. MIA’s are just helpful reminders. Don’t rely on them, build your own self-awareness.

Having self-awareness is keeping an eye on the mini map listening for pings. Being a tunnel visioned player who doesn’t look at his map can really hurt your score and your teams if you are tunnel visioning your lane. So be aware when you’re in lane! Don’t just focus on CSing!

3.) If you’re jungling and one of the solo lanes needs to go back to base to heal and you’re covering for them.. Ahem.. OH MY GOD STOP AUTO ATTACKING AND PUSHING THE LANE!!!! Every time I see a solo leave a lane including myself I see the jungler going bat **** crazy going HAHAHAH Q,W,E,R,!!! DIE MINIONS DIEE!1! It just makes me so..

By doing this it hurts your solo much more than you would think. Pushing the lane makes them more vulnerable to ganks and denies them gold and experience which is vital to your solo’s. Simply LAST HIT the minions you can until the solo is back to his or her lane. You got some gold and experience so be happy

4.) Is it around 20+ mins into the game? Is Dragon up? Are 4+ enemy champions MIA? Now here’s the most important part.. Is Baron warded? If not.. Don’t do dragon, and get a ward on Baron ASAP. Far too many times I watch a team go for an easy Dragon while the other team gets an easy Baron. This is NOT a trade you want to do. So wise up and buy some wards before doing dragon when it starts to get later in the game. You won’t regret this.

5.) This is an easy rule to remember for you laning folks. If you want your jungler to have a successful gank then you can’t go pushing your lane like a mad man. You want your lane being pushed so it’s easier for you guys to kill the enemy champions as they’re more vulnerable to ganks. Last hit the best you possibly can or don’t even attack and actually sit back a bit so the enemy champion actually feels like he’s zoning and denying you a bit. Ganking someone who is over extending and a little cocky is much easier than ganking someone who’s pushed to their tower and playing conservative.

6.) Here’s one that bugs me the 2nd most and its one of the two major game changers. It is 30+ Mins into the game. Are you on the defensive side of the battle waiting out Baron or simply down 10+ kills and really need to win the next team fight to stay in the game? Then why oh why are you in the middle of the map farming creeps with 0 towers in your lane and all 5 MIA? There’s simply no point at all to doing this. Let the creeps come to you and farm near a tower or just outside your base. Getting caught this late into the game leads to 4v5 team battles, them getting Baron, or even losing an inhibitor. Getting caught by yourself is a VERY stupid thing to do because it doesn’t ever need to happen. You don’t need to farm out there. Go into the jungle as 5 and or wait till some creeps get to you. Don’t ever roam by yourself this late in the game it really really REALLY puts your team in a bad situation if you get caught. You can only really do this if you have the entire map warded and know no ganks are coming for you. Otherwise go back to base and CS there!

7.) Now here is the #1 reason you will lose a game that you had the advantage in..
Over extending after your success.

You just won a big team fight and everyone has it in their head. KILL TEH INHIBS HOLY **** KILL THEM!!! I do it too so don’t worry. You want them down because it just makes life in LoL that much easier. Here lies the problem though.. Biting off more than you can chew.. Because quite literally you choke on it when you over extend.

You have to watch the death timers very closely and know what kind of physical DPS your team in capable of. If you miscalculate and end up getting killed and chased down due to you guys wanting to kill that 1 extra thing guess what. The lead you just had is gone and its even again or even worse, the game is now in there favor. Playing a bit conservative is better then losing everything because you got greedy. If Baron is up and you got 3 low champions in their base barely killing the inhib and they die? Guess what. You just traded an inhib for baron + all your remaining outside towers and maybe even an inhibitor as well. It’s not worth it most of the time.

Stop. Think. Listen if someone is telling you to B because chances are they’re right and you really should be getting back.

To be honest with all of you. That’s what makes a good player. Someone who can stop and think about what happened and judge the situation correctly to make the right call. Making the right calls wins games. How you do it is by taking some time after having success to really think about what you should do next.

Cool Buy more wards everybody! I want it to look like I got map hack on! That basically sums it up. You want maphack when you play. You want to know their every move that they will make. Having this ability to see when ganks are coming or even being able to see when to gank that unsuspecting Warwick doing blue. Free kills and free buffs is what warding gives. So everyone do it!

9) Team composition. So many times I see people in ranked go “I don’t care, I want to be solo on Ashe!” “But you’re 5th pick and we already have Panth, and Miss Fortune as our two solo’s..” Right there you’ve just crippled your team so bad. I can’t stress this enough. PICK ACCORDLING TO WHERE YOU LANDED IN THE DRAFT! If you’re 4-5th pick prepare to be playing something you wouldn’t normally play. If your team needs a tank and support than guess what. Pick those two roles and help your team out!

Just talk it out before hand and let people know what ROLE you want to play and not what champion. If you’re a pretty good jungler say “I’ll get jungle” if you’re a good support say “I’ll play the support” etc.. If you do this it makes life while drafting so much easier.

10) Positioning and roles. If you’re the tank. Then be in front and be the guy to face check those brushes. That’s your job to go in and take damage. Don’t force Annie to go into the brush because you want kills. Play your role.

If your Annie don’t face check those brushes either. You’re not a tank, you’re a little girl. So stay behind big bad Shen and wait for him to check for you before you rush right in.

If you’re Janna don’t be beside the tank or the jungler. Always ALWAYS ALWAYS! When playing support ride the ass of your AD carry or AP carry and make sure they can freely dps / cast on the others. Always toss shields / heals up on these champions as you want them to do good and be strong. If you find yourself auto attack their ranged carry in a team fight while you carry is dying then you’re doing support wrong. Support your carry first and then add in the little DPS you have. That’s the way a good support players. PS Supports should be buying wards all game long. They don’t need that much items. They are ward machines so play your role!

AD and AP carries know your place as well. There’s a time and a place to rush into a team fight to burst people down. Otherwise sit back behind the tank and dps from a far. No need to suicide because you didn’t position yourself well while Warwick and Galio double ultied you making you explode. Stay back and DPS the closest targets for the most part Razz

11) Lastly. If you feel like dinking around.. DON’T PLAY SOLO QUEUE RANKED! That’s what normal games are for. Playing champions you need to get used too and playing games if you just aren’t that interested in trying hard. Don’t ruin someone elses gaming experience because you decided you just wanted to troll ranked games. Be nice and respectful to others. Don’t ruin 4 other people’s game.


Messages : 559
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010

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Message par Suelerium Mar 8 Fév - 0:05

Un post de grande qualité ICI.

[edit] In case this post offended you, I'm sorry, and let me explain:

Hi. I'm 5HITCOMBO and I'm ranked 1840~ atm. I'm in the top 500 players in this game in solo queue and I play with a lot of players who are much better than me and think I'm a scrub, which I pretty much am. I'm not better than you at playing this game--well, maybe SLIGHTLY. But the big reason that I'm 1800+ and you're stuck in 1400 isn't because I'm a better player than you. I routinely, ****ing ROUTINELY get called bad/scrub/feeder/**** by my teammates, and it's basically true. I'm terrible at this game. (I'm known to every good player as ****combo. Working as intended, I guess.)

Does that mean that you belong in my spot and I belong in yours? No.

Being "skilled" at this game isn't what separates good players from bad players. Being "skilled" at this game is what separates good players from GREAT players. League of Legends doesn't have a particularly high skill cap on most champions. The only ones that really even come to mind are like... Ezreal/Karthus/Corki/Leblanc/Shaco. Most other champions are not very hard to play. Mechanics of an 1800 player won't be far superior to those of a 1400 player.

So why are we ranked so much higher? Because we understand the game better.

Skill separates good players from great players. Understanding separates good players from bad players. Don't go spouting off about how you "understand the game" because if you're stuck at 1400 you clearly ****ing don't. I'm tired of hearing scrubs tell me that they can hang with me in games, they just can't win their solo queue games. Yesterday I had some guy be like "oh yeah 5HIT? wanna bet I can break 1400?"

No, I don't wanna bet you can break 1400. A ******ed monkey drunk on Mike's Hard Lemonade could break 1400. Breaking 1400 is about as hard as jacking off. Betting that you can break 1400 is like betting you can survive 3 days at the mother****ing Holiday Inn.

But seriously, if you can't break 1400--and don't be ashamed, I couldn't break 1400 when I was ****ing terrible at this game--it's because you don't understand the basics. Stuff that people in my Elo bracket take for granted. Don't be at the bottom lane if the enemy team isn't there past 25 minutes. They will force a 4v5 at baron. Don't bait teamfights out of position. Don't fight them when they're beating you in teamfights. If you're losing teamfights, no matter what the score or situation is, you're in danger of losing the game. Never let mid tower fall if you can help it--it provides the most map control out of all 3 of the outer towers. WARD. Don't push lanes vs good gankers. Don't let carries freefarm. Switch lanes if you're getting raped. NEVER EVER CHASE.

What are the three most important objectives in the first 15 minutes, in order?

1) take mid tower
2) get a dragon without trading more than 1 person or a tower for it
3) don't lose lanes

That's right. Dragon is more important than top lane, in my opinion. Obviously you don't just want to give it to your enemy but if you can get a dragon and come out a kill up (or better), dragon is 100% more important.

What is the role of a ranged carry/AP?

Not every team needs a ranged carry. Not every team needs AP. When people say "we need a ranged carry" or "we need AP" what they really mean is "we need to be able to win fights at towers" and "we need a large amount of burst damage". Burst damage wins fights away from towers. Ranged carries win fights at towers. There are other situations where both are useful but who cares if you're doing magic or physical damage if you're killing them. I've lost to a team of full ranged AD carries because at some point their focus fire became strong enough to burst us down outside of towers (and obviously they win fights at towers). Understand why you need a ranged carry and why you need AP.

Team comp--I notice a lot of players that think they're hot **** at this game that absolutely cannot play more than 4 champs. That's fine. I only play Cho and Warwick in ranked well. Sometimes if they pick my Warwick and we need a jungler I pick Shaco, but I pretty much suck with him.

Does that mean I can't play any other champs?

**** no! I'm BADASS at like half the lineup in relationship to these scrubs at 1200-1600. I just happen to be best at WW/Cho so I tend to play them in ranked. But if we have a jungler? If we have a top lane? I totally pick Shen. I'll play Taric. Janna, Poppy, whatever. If you already have two solos and a jungler DON'T PICK A ****ING SOLO. If you are last pick or second to last pick, face it--you're jungling or playing support/tank at bot lane. LEARN EVERY CHAMP. Know what everyone's passive is. Be comfortable picking a champ you don't even play in ranked just because it would fit well with the team. If you can't do that without feeding? Well, there's something to work on right there.

My ideal team comp looks like this:
Top lane: (Ideally a bit tanky) AP Burst (Sion/Aniv/Malzahar/Cho/Vlad)
Mid lane: Good ranged carry or anti-ranged carry (Ezreal/Sivir/Ashe--Pantheon)
Bot lane: Babysitter with a farm dependent hero (Janna/Morg/Taric/Alistar/Shen + Ashe/Poppy/Tristana/whoever) OR Tank/Support (Janna/Taric/Alistar/Shen/Morgana/Blitz)
Jungle: Someone who can control dragon, gank, be highly mobile and not die to counterjungling (Shaco/Warwick/Nunu/Rammus)

There's a lot more than I can cover here in one sitting, but this is what I consider to be basic-ass basic **** that everyone should know. I get mad at people when they don't know this stuff because it's such huge common sense. If you say that you understand what I and every other good player understands about this game and you're still stuck under 1400 you are either A) ****ing terrible at actually playing the game, which is unlikely or B) wrong. Seriously, if you're complaining about being stuck under 1400 you probably belong there. Either you can carry 4 idiots vs 5 idiots or you belong in low Elo. When I play against 1200-1400s, my first thought is "I'm going to ****ing crush this game." I don't think "oh, I hope my team doesn't feed" or "their comp is better than ours" because that doesn't even come into play. They don't understand the game and I will abuse that super ****ing hard to completely outplay them. If you see a team of 1200 scrubs and don't think "I'm going to ****ing crush this game 1v5" you probably don't have the high Elo mindset. Elo Hell doesn't exist, so stop whining about it to good players. It's INSULTING when a scrub that can't break 1400 says **** like "I'm just as good as you" or "I'm good enough to play with you" to us top players because basically what he's saying is that we are scrubs too.

(Not that I think I'm a "top player" or anything. I actually suck at this game, ask anyone who plays with/vs me.)

But look, straight-up--if you can't carry a game of scrubs on scrubs, you belong in low Elo.

Messages : 423
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010


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Message par Le Mat Mar 8 Fév - 0:51

Effectivement... En lisant le texte du mec je me dis dans la team des potes nous somme tous des joueurs de merde.

Car clairement il y a encore plein d'aspect et des moment du jeux que l'on ne comprend pas.

Cela arrive plein de fois que l'on se demande : "mais on fait quoi là ? Il nous faut un leader".

Cela arrive plein de fois que l'on soit en total désaccord sur quoi faire " Baron ! Non push !"

Et lorsque l'on gagne, c'est souvant avec une grosse stratégie de noob : "allez tous au centre, ou push et on gagne le team fight".

Ce que je regrette c'est j'ai rarement lu de vraiment bon conseil de la part d'un joueur qui "sait" jouer.

Je me les commentaire du dessus dans la cathégorie "conseil moyen car peut argumenté".

Oui ils mettent le doigt très correctement sur ce qui fait que l'on de des merde, mais explique mal à mon sens pourquoi faire tel ou tel action.

Pourquoi un Jungler ? (pas expliqué)

Pourquoi prendre le dragon aussi vite (pas expliqué)

Ok avec la petite expérience nous savons que :

Cela permet de gagner la course au XP et au build.

Mais ce n'est pas si évident et j'ai trouver une seul fois un post qui expliqué vraiment pourquoi c'étais si important.

Se que j'aimerai ce sont des conseils très claire et détaillés et que l'on se mette d'accord ici sur quel est vraiment le bon comportement à suivre dans tel ou tel situation.

Je veux bien croire que l'on peut gagner avec 5 Ad carrie.... Mais comment ou pourquoi cela se réalise vraiment dans les faits et en détail, fasse à une équipe classique :

1 tank
1 dps contact tanky
1 dps carrie distance
1 supporte
1 burst Ap

l'un d'eux est un jungler bien entendu.
Le Mat
Le Mat

Messages : 598
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010

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Message par makemashita Mar 8 Fév - 1:16

les gains en or, xp et buffs de la jungle "comptent double" puisque les gagner prive ou deny l'adversaire d'autant.
voilà pourquoi la jungle est un enjeu primordial

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Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010

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Message par Suelerium Mar 8 Fév - 2:08

Il faut bien différencier team et solo queue, hein, parce que ces textes portent sur le solo queue, où ta marge de manoeuvre est beaucoup plus limitée. En team, tu peux avoir des stratégies vraiment bizarres (genre un carry+4 support, ou bien des global ults, ou bien aoe ou que sais-je), et tu peux communiquer. En solo queue, la difficulté, c'est que tu n'as pas ça, donc tu dois te concentrer sur les "fondamentaux", que clairement aucun de nous n'a.

Et par fondamentaux, je parle pas de warder, hein, mais de comprendre ce qui est important à un moment donné. OP donne un exemple dans un post, un peu plus loin dans le thread, pour expliquer que les bases sont plus compliquées qu'on le pense. Ils viennent de faire une percée mid, l'inhib est à nu, il veut le niquer, et là ses teammates, plus haut elo que lui, lui disent NON, et qu'il faut aller top pour niquer une tourelle moins avancée ; il suit mais à la fin du jeu demande pourquoi, et le high elo répond que niquer la tourelle permettait plus d'EXP. Et là tu réalises que tout ce que tu crois savoir est faux : à ce moment précis (ils étaient niveau 12) c'est l'expérience qui primait, pas l'inhib, donc il fallait back et niquer une tourelle.

Bref, c'est juste un exemple. On ne comprend effectivement pas grand chose aux bases "stratégiques" du jeu, et la solution donnée par OP dans un post suivant, à savoir jouer avec des high elo le plus souvent possible, eh ben... on n'a pas ça ! A moins que l'un d'entre nous devienne une brute à ce jeu, ou en tout cas atteigne un niveau significativement supérieur, on en est un peu réduits à tatonner. Il me semble que les streams avec commentaires, par exemple celui de treeEskimo, sont aussi une source valable d'information, mais bon, ça remplace pas le jeu avec des meilleurs.

Messages : 423
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010


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Message par Le Mat Mar 8 Fév - 5:56

Je vois que nous somme d'accord sur l'approche.

Le commentaire sur l'inhib et la tourelle, ça c'est vraiment très intéressant et instructif.

Penser Xp avant tourelle tant que l'on est pas level 18. Il me semble que c'est ça la leçon. maintenant pourquoi ?

Parce que la victoire à ce niveau là du jeu n'est pas assurée et qu'il faut donc toujours favoriser la course à l'xp et au level ?

Et bien c'est parfaitement ce genre d'info qu'il faut glaner et regrouper ici.

Je pense que si l'on arrive à comprendre ces concepts là (dont les vraiment bon joueurs sont salement avare je trouve) et à les appliquer on fera pas mal de progrès.

Le Mat
Le Mat

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Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010

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Message par KuroPotter Mar 8 Fév - 8:57

J'avais parlé du fait d'eviter de fracasser une tourelle level 1 avant la dixieme minute de jeu, permettant un farm plus simple et eviter une perte de niveau en se deplacant sur une autre ligne, comme par exemple le mid...
vecu plusieures fois, jouant ashe mid, voir les mecs du top exploser la tourelle en 5mins puis arrivant mid...
resultat, je perds en farm, en xp (deux ou trois sur ligne contre un en face), et les TF commencent alors que je suis encore avec doran/boots...

j'ai tendance a penser que conserver les lanes un moment tout en etant capable d'inverser la situation peut amener les carry a etre plus efficaces au moment des TF...
ce qui ne veut pas dire que breaker une tower a la 5eme est improductif...mais si c'est fait, faut adapter la start a un push de tourelles incessant et rapide, eviter les gros TF...

je sais pas ce que vous en pensez de votre coté...

Messages : 336
Date d'inscription : 15/06/2010

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Message par Le Mat Mar 8 Fév - 11:27

ben je ne sais pas se qui est plus ou mois productif, mais c'est une question intéressante qui montre d'autant plus à quel point on est à l'ouest.

Maintenant je pense que le but c'est de gagner, si tu peux push vite pourquoi s'en empêcher. Tu peux toujours monter de temps en temps pour du free farm sur la lan où la première tourelle est tombée.

Le Mat
Le Mat

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Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010

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Message par KuroPotter Mar 8 Fév - 18:02

La fait est que en effet pusher peut permettre un win plus rapide...
mais est ce que revenir au centre apres sans tenter un push tourelle immediat rend l'action aussi interessante...
la lane pushée ne farm plus, la lane occupée farme moins que l'opponent, et au final la tourelle ne tombe pas toujours (pick qui rend le kill impossible, pas assez de powerpush...)

hors le carry qui voit sa ligne occupée voit aussi sa possibilité d'etre performant dans le TF reduite, et comme souvent le TF arrive rapidement dans ce cas, c'est voué a finir en TF lost et au pire des cas une tourelle mid qui tombe, mais pas la bonne...

alors n'est il pas plus productif pour le duo qui a pete la tourelle de rester sur lane a farm voir a push la seconde, ne venant mid que pour un gank sur pour repartir apres, laissant au carry le moyen de se builder...

je pose vraiment juste la question, je n'ai pas encore la reponse, meme si j'ai tendance a penser que laisser le carry farm donnera forcement plus de patate par la suite...

Messages : 336
Date d'inscription : 15/06/2010

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Message par KuroPotter Mar 8 Fév - 20:28

Et niveau strategie je vous conseille cette game :

juste hallucinant le Allistar, du leadershipcomme j'en ai jamais vu, et des notions tactiques de toute beauté...
le ending <3

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Date d'inscription : 15/06/2010

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Message par makemashita Mar 22 Fév - 13:27

un article intéressant (particulièrement concernant les stratégies de ban)
c'est encore en cours de rédaction ici : http://piratepad.net/DenCuMuhcQ
et c'est fait par un certain Morzas, de RuneTerra


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Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010

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