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un petit sujet sur le forum officiel sur les trucs a venir dans la nouvelle version Empty un petit sujet sur le forum officiel sur les trucs a venir dans la nouvelle version

Message par TheloniousMonk Jeu 9 Déc - 5:06

Edit: I just realised I typo'd the topic title. It should say "Incoming in v1.0.0.107". Way to fail, me!

Morello has started to talk about the next patch, so I've thrown together what seems to be planned. Remember, nothing is 100% until the patch actually goes live, but if all goes well, the following changes should be coming soon:

- Mordekaiser will be very slightly nerfed.
- Garen will lose some base survivability.
- Malphite will lose some toughness.
- Gragas will lose some toughness.
- Udyr will lose some toughness.
- Olaf will lose some jungling speed.

- Randuin's Omen active will be nerfed slightly.
- Innervating Locket will recieve potentially heavy nerfs.

- Garen will gain some AD scaling.
- Udyr's Tiger Stance will be buffed slightly.
- Ezreal will "gain a little something". This will not be an AP ratio change.

- Ranked team captaincy will not take into account Duo Queuers' Elo boost.

- Small part of an improved enforcement system to deal with bad player behaviour. This has not been confirmed for "this patch" specifically, but for "mid-December".
- Auto Leaver Ban system confirmed NOT to be in this patch.

While there's not any big features confirmed for this patch, Morello has stated there is a lot to fit in (design-wise - he's a Champion Designer). Some changes which were intended for this patch will be delayed until the following patch.

What does this mean?
Whether or not Riot are done with AoE for the moment, I don't know, but what is clear is that they're keeping their promise about bulky DPS being next on their to-nerf list. Bare in mind that they still have changes they want to make, so this isn't everything.

Garen losing some base survivability and gaining some AD scaling is an attempt to make offensive builds more viable. Whether this will work or not is up to the numbers, but what it definitely does mean is that he will be slightly more vulnerable during early game. If it doesn't work, then they always have next patch, right?

The Innervating Locket nerf was prompted by the large amount of effective Health tanky Champions can gain from it, due to their high resists. They're aware this is a nerf to Supports, but since Supports have much lower effective Health, it was much less effective on them in the first place. In Morello's words, "It would require massive changes to move it to a proper support-oriented item that isn't desirable by tanks."


I previously posted the following. Obviously, it's... well, a day out of date, so the wording of some things may seem strange, but on the whole it still applies.

Currently being nerfed:
- Mass AoE aspect of the WCG '10 era metagame.
- Ranged DPS, as a buff to melee DPS.

Next to be nerfed:
- Certain publically unspecified high-damage, bulky Champions of the WCG '10 era metagame.
- Possibly Sunfire Cape. Mentioned to be considered, but unconfirmed.

Recieving attention:
- Ezreal, in next patch. Unspecified changes, but not an AP ratio change.
- Ryze. AP carry rework to allow more sustained damage.
- Evelynn. Postponed (see below).
- Soraka/etc. Postponed (see below).

Currently being reworked:
- Stealth mechanics.
- - Evelynn rework postponed until stealth has been reworked.
- Healing impact on gameplay.
- - (Unconfirmed) Soraka/etc. buffs postponed until after healing has been redesigned.

Upcoming Features:
- Ranked Duo Queue team captain fix. Captaincy will not take into account boosted Elo.
- Small part of an improved enforcement system to deal with bad player behaviour. By the end of the month.

Unconfirmed ETA Features:
- Remainder of improved enforcement system?
- Auto Leaver Ban system. Confirmed as not next patch.
- Forward-compatible Replays.
- Observer Mode.
- Deselect single Mastery point function. Considered, but unconfirmed?
- Mastery Pages.
- The Magma Chamber.
- Zhonya's Ring rework/new AP items. Includes more caster-friendly CDR and defensive options.

How has Riot been changing the game so far?
Over time they have been reigning in the power of ranged carries to make melee carries viable. They have also been slowly chipping away at contributing factors to mass AoE to make sure they don't overnerf a huge chunk of the game at once. With bulky DPS next on the list, the ranged carry nerfs also serve to prevent an immediate return to the previous kiting/poking phase of the metagame.

To reel in possible power creep of their game, they are nerfing the most prolific factors of the metagame instead of buffing everything else. This is a higher priority, because this would make it easier to find a normalised level of power, making it easier for them to buff underpowered Champions to a correct level afterwards.

Stealth is being reworked to stop it from either being effective or completely ineffective - depending on whether or not it is countered - with no interesting in-between. Healing is being reworked to change it from being a source of sustainability - as seen in the kiting/poking phase - to a more team fight-central mechanic.

Basically, they're in the middle of revamping the game. Balance might be iffy right now, but the situation is to improve significantly. By the time they reach the immediately visible end-point, the game should be more balanced, be ready to enter a fresh phase of the metagame and have a larger selection of viable choices for players.

j'aime bien la conclusion.

Messages : 172
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2010

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un petit sujet sur le forum officiel sur les trucs a venir dans la nouvelle version Empty Re: un petit sujet sur le forum officiel sur les trucs a venir dans la nouvelle version

Message par Le Mat Jeu 9 Déc - 22:17

C'est clair que les gars veulent vraiment changer en prodonfeur leur game play.

Garen avec de l'AP ?

Cela va augmenter les build possible avec lui.

Le Mat
Le Mat

Messages : 598
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010

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Message par KuroPotter Jeu 9 Déc - 22:30

comme dit en live, ezreal qui se voit legerement buff...
interessant pour un champ qu'on ne voit quasiment plus...

Messages : 336
Date d'inscription : 15/06/2010

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