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infos sur la nouvelle map 5v5

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infos sur la nouvelle map 5v5 Empty infos sur la nouvelle map 5v5

Message par makemashita Jeu 9 Sep - 3:56

source : http://forum.leaguecraft.com/showthread.php?tid=13176

A new map called Magma Chamber : It's a 5v5 but on a bigger map, so lanes are further. New NPC with new buffs also appear and a teleport inside the base to help you move around the map.

Messages : 559
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010

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infos sur la nouvelle map 5v5 Empty Re: infos sur la nouvelle map 5v5

Message par makemashita Ven 10 Sep - 4:05

le lien vers le site de PC Gamer avec des exemples des nouveaux graphismes :


les skins sont affinées :

infos sur la nouvelle map 5v5 Mordekaiser_thumb

le terrain aussi, mais surtout, change vers davantage de brushes, apparement :

infos sur la nouvelle map 5v5 Terrain_thumb

Messages : 559
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010

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infos sur la nouvelle map 5v5 Empty Re: infos sur la nouvelle map 5v5

Message par makemashita Ven 17 Sep - 5:35


Messages : 559
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010

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infos sur la nouvelle map 5v5 Empty Re: infos sur la nouvelle map 5v5

Message par makemashita Dim 12 Juin - 3:16

Magma chamber, c'est pas pour tout de suite, en fait...


" Sadly with regards to maps it won't be something a lot of you want to hear. First off, Riot has admitted it made a mistake with releasing details ages ago about Magma Chamber. It was in the design phase at best and they have stated they were not happy with it. While they didn't say it was scrapped, they did say Magma Chamber was on the shelf for the minute.

However, they did state a new map would possibly be available come the end of the year but they don't want to make the same mistake as last time, so for the moment, I’d say forget about a new map until it comes.


Messages : 559
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010

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infos sur la nouvelle map 5v5 Empty Re: infos sur la nouvelle map 5v5

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