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Carry OP + 4 supports

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Message par makemashita Mer 17 Nov - 7:20

Un article d'Elementz

Do Five Champions Really Ruin LoL?

November 15th, 2010
So as my title says.. Do five champions really ruin League Of Legends? For some you know exactly what five I am talking about and for some others I’ll gladly tell you which five champions I think this game could really do without.

Miss Fortune, Corki, Kog’Maw, Twitch, and Sona.

These five champions I find turn the game into something it shouldn’t be. I find that vs all of these champions (not so much Sona, she’s just game breakingly OP and REALLY not fun to play vs) but the four others require the team you’re playing on and the team you’re playing vs to play a certain way which really isn’t fun. Playing vs or with these champions isn’t fun.

Playing with them it requires you to build your team around that one champion. You need to have a lot of support for them. Twitch and Kog’Maw are the two that come to mind and fit this role the most. It seems like when you pick either of these two you NEED Janna, and you NEED Morgana on your team. If you get these two, the game seems to be pretty much over. 2x shield making you an invulnerable machine with no fear. Just for shits and giggles throw in a jungle Shen and really laugh out loud when people try and damage your Carry. The thing is about that strategy is that it works.. It 100% works. It not only 100% works, it’s really strong. How strong? Redonkulously strong. So guess what happens? You see people running the same cookie cutter strategies every game. All you need is the person playing Kog knowing how to press W in a team fight. Then you win just by stacking 3x shields on that champion. The sheer power those four carries have when a team supports them is quite frankly retarded.

So when playing vs them it requires you to counter pick that ONE champion. So what does the other team do now? Counters with Warwick!!! Why do they counter with Warwick? Because suppression is the only thing you have to truly counter a carry. Why is supression the only thing that really counters super carries? Because cleanse is also broken and it has a really short CD! So right there. By picking ONE of those four super carries you’re forced into taking WW because he’s the #1 counter as you can’t cleanse his stun. Then you want to counter them again by picking Janna, or Morgana! Then the other team wants to get their hands on as many supports they can so they pick up Shen and Taric etc.. Completely turning the game into a “who can support who’s carry the best”. Instead of five people playing vs another 5 people where supports weren’t what won the game. By one person picking a super carry it turns both teams into a counter support picking super carry team as well. If you don’t counter like that then the chances of you losing go up massively. Why did you lose? Because you didn’t pick enough support for your super carry. To me that seems pretty stupid. Why should a game revolve around who has the best support for their broken champion? Shouldn’t it revolve around who’s AP carry, Jungler, and Side lane is good too? I feel solo queue game’s are often stomps because of this reason. One team picks the super support team + super carry. Then the other team picks a group of champion who aren’t the most ideal picks in comparison and then they just get smashed. This is why you get these 20 minute one-sided stomps predominately in solo queue.

I think a lot of power from these super carries comes from two summoner spells as well. Two summoner spells that make OP champions even more OP. Flash and Cleanse. Then you throw in the power of red buff’s extreme damage and slow.. Hey check it out I am SION! I AM A PERFECTLY BALANCED AND QUITE GOOD CHAMPION! I HAVE A LONG SINGLE TARGET STUN HAHAHA! GONNA STUN THAT TWITCH IN THIS EPIC TEAM FIGHT! Hmm.. he cleansed it. WELL I AM SURE I CAN CLOSE THE GAP AND CRUSH HIM NOW THAT HIS CLEANSE IS GONE! *flash and continue to auto attack the whole team with red buff up* Hmm.. Now how is that fun for the enemy team? It’s not. I can see it being fun for that player on Twitch but even when this happens on my team and I get carried by someone on a super carry it’s just so.. Boring. Winning in 20 minutes isn’t fun at all. There was no skill involved other then one guy playing a over powered champion that’s also been given the utility from summoner spells to over extend, playing stupidly, get CC’ed and still continue to dish out 100% of his DPS due to that. League of Legends allows too much stupid play and not enough risk reward scenario’s it seems. You can make a mistake but use your get out of jail free cards that just push these champions over the edge it seems. Cleanse allows you to put yourself in a poor position and then have it count for nothing even if the other team takes advantage of that. Flash does the same and I really believe this dumbs down the game and cuts down on competitive play as I believe you should pay for those mistakes. If you took out Flash and Cleanse from the game I am sure you’d see a lot more people rising up that are good and a lot of higher elo’d players dropping down quite a lot.

So if the only way to counter the super carry support line up is to make your own super carry support line up it creates this very unlikable playstyle. Why can’t we have game that have zero target-able heals, zero target-able shields, and just using the skills you got to make the best of it I think this game would be a lot more fun.

So with that being said do you guys think this game would be better if they threw an extra 2-4 bans in so that we can get rid of more of these broken champions who seem to be ruining the game? I personally think it’s a great band-aid and would love some more bans in solo queue until Riot can hire some more balance people or at least jump on these game ruining champions sooner and harder.


Messages : 559
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010

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