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Carry Empty Carry

Message par Suelerium Mar 21 Sep - 10:39

Ce qu'est un carry, par nekrataali


Recently, I've been seeing a lot of questions here on the forums such as:

"What are carries?"
"How do I get out of low Elo? Play a carry?"
"What's a good carry champion?"

...and other things of that nature. While this post isn't 100% correct on all accounts (I'm not the best player in LoL, go look at the single queue ladder), I do feel that I can contribute by answering these frequent questions, as well as help improve people's performance when using a carry.

I will be elaborating on a few points I made in these two threads:

The Hard-Carry:

Initiators, Initiating, and Scoring an Ace :

In the first thread, my experience in LoL was not extensive enough for me to give specific examples relevant to LoL, so I'd like to revisit a few of those ideas here.

In the second thread, I discuss team fight tactics and something every carry relies upon, an initiator.

You don't have to read both those threads to understand this one, but it does help.

What is the Carry?

Back in the days of DotA, there were heroes that depended upon their teammates early in the game, while later on, the teammates depended upon that hero. Hence the term "carry." You carry me early game, I carry you late game.

However, that is no longer the case in LoL. Most champions classified as a carry in LoL scale much better from early game to late game, and aren't the WTFBBQHAXROFLYOUALLDIED heroes of DotA that could 1v5 after an hour of farming. What carries are in LoL are typically DPS champions (whether it's ranged, melee, or magic) that clear minion waves, destroy turrets, and kill enemy champions.

Some examples of Carries:

Ashe, Karthus, Shaco, Ezreal, Anivia

Typically, Carries in LoL depend on items, gold, and levels more so than support or initiators in order for them to be effective.

What is carries are not:

...capable of towerdiving two enemy tanks.
...solo pushing a side lane without fear of 5 MIA champions ganking them.
...the single reason for winning a game while 4 teammates struggle.
...the most important member of the team.

Why are Carries important to the team and what's their job?

Carries main role is to provide consistent amounts of damage to the enemy. They clear waves of minions (such as Corki's Gatling Gun), apply damage to turrets (your Morgana cannot down a turret at full health with her 50 damage auto attack by herself), and kill enemy champions in team fights.

In short, "I hold, you punch," with Carries being the fists.

Without a carry, a team is inefficient in dealing sustained amounts of damage required to push a lane. That being said, it is imperitive as a carry that you are either farming, attacking enemy champions, or otherwise constantly applying damage to the enemy's forces. This is especially important because in order to fulfill your role on the team, you need gold, items, and experience. If you fall behind in those areas by sitting around the turret during team fights or constantly dieing and on the move back to your lane, you are as useless as an initiator champion that never goes in first or a Soraka that never heals anyone (including herself).

What are the types of Carries?

Most share the common role of damage dealers. However, there are sub-categories of Carries we should consider during champion select:

1) Carry: The primary damage dealer for your team throughout the game. These champions are always available for team fights, pushing, and destroying turrets. In DotA, these may have been considered "semi-carries," except LoL has put the focus back on these types of champions. The are no longer a secondary to a hard-carry, but rather, they are the primary source of DPS in any fight.

Examples of "Carries" include:

Jax, Pantheon, Warwick, Ryze

2) Soft-Carry: These are champions that generally have amazing early-mid game capabilities, but shift to other roles late game, such as a becoming an anti-carry (i.e. their job is to focus on shutting down or killing the other team's DPS) or straight-up pushing. Early on, they have powerful burst damage, disables, or good damage at low levels without items.

Examples of "Soft-Carries" include:

Teemo, Poppy, Mordekaiser, Zilean

3) Hard-Carry: This is the typical carry from DotA--weak early game, strong late game. Early on, they focus on farming, leveling, and attempting to build specific items as quickly as possible so they out-shine the other carries on the opposing team. They may have weak early game due to mana issues, low base damage, dependence on their ultimate, or require a specific item to become functional. Once they have achieved those things, they become the primary source of damage for the team.

Examples of "Hard-Carries" include:

Veiger, Kassadin, Master Yi, Tryndamere

Personally, I like having two regular carries or one hard-carry with no other carries on my team, but never do i want a single soft-carry without another carry to back him up. This is a really broad generalization, and by no means is it set-in-stone, but you must consider how much damage output your team has before you click "Lock In!"

When should I play a carry?

When your team needs damage during champion select and they have an adequate number of champions to support you.

The number of threads popping up about "being stuck in low-Elo Hell; I should just play Shaco and win to get out" is just silly. The reality is that most carries are incredibly squishy, and do not have the crowd control abilities of most tanks, nor the amazing buffs/heals from support champions, such as Morgana or Soraka, to deal with multiple enemies. Myself, I refuse to play as Master Yi unless 4 of the other people on my team have a stun, snare, or slow. As Yi, I am unable to focus down enemy champions because Master Yi has no slows/stuns/disables, apart from Summoner spells or items purchased later in the game.

Chances are, if your team does not have crowd control or support, your teammates are all playing carries, therefore you should consider using a champion that can support them.

I hear that Carries get 912837988 kills and ZERO deaths, is this true?


Ideally, a good tank or support champion should go 0 kills / 0 deaths / 30 assists. The same is true with carries: they should go 30 kills / 0 deaths / some number of assists. Carries generally get kills because they are the damage dealers of the team, not because their champion is, in any way shape or form, better than a support or initiator champion. The fact is that you will be getting last hits because your Sion stunned that Nunu for you to focus down. However, without that Sion, that Nunu could have cast Ice Blast on YOU, slowing you, and then running away.

Furthermore, recognize that you are capable of destroying an unguarded turret with minions to tank the hits if you are an Attack Damage carry. Likewise, as a caster with high-damage AOE spells, such as Veiger or Anivia, you can pentakill minions no problem. This means that you need to focus on winning the game by destroying the nexus, not chasing after Singed past 2 turrets and an inhibitor into their base so you can get a kill.

In the same way you cannot kill enemy champions as quickly as if you had a good initiator, your support and tank teammates may not be able to kill turrets and minions as fast as you can, so help them out.

You carry your team in helping them push, they carry you by feeding you kills or saving you from death.

WTF? Shen didn't ultimate me and Taric didn't heal me so I died! Noob team?

Not a noob team, bad communication.

If your support and tank champions can save you, they will if you just say something. The important thing to remember is that they, too, also have to farm and buy items, or save their abilities for themselves. Shen may not ultimate to you alone in their jungle against 3 enemy champions because that would leave Nidalee, another carry for your team, alone in a lane with 2 enemy champions MIA. Taric can't heal you all the way from the middle lane outer turret when you're standing at the enemy nexus. If your team is even somewhat competent, they will do their best to try and save you if they can.

However, as a carry, use your support champions to win more and turn a "we might kill this Malzahar" into "lol he exploded under all those stuns and didn't even do any damage!" instead of "omg i screwed up and over-extended now im bein ganked wtf nub team!!! /ragequit"


The job of the carry is to deal damage so that your team can push, farm minions, and get champion kills. The carry does this with support from good initiators, while staying out in the field via support champions' heals/auras/etc. While they can seem godly with 20 kills and 2 deaths, they are not the number-one champions per se, but rather fill a valuable role all teams need in order to be successful. Because you are item dependent, you need gold, which comes from farming constantly and showing up to team fights to get gold from kills and assists.

I hope this has helped you understand the role of the carry or answer any questions you may have had.


Messages : 423
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010


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