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serveur EU

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serveur EU Empty serveur EU

Message par makemashita Sam 19 Fév - 22:23

un dév de Riot donne sur le forum qqes infos sur les problèmes de chat, sur le serveur EU.
il me semble que ca intéressera certains d'entre vous :


jmccaffrey - Lead Web Developer


Let me clarify a few things about the EU service real quick. First off we care deeply about EU, there is no Riot Europe or whatever that maintains the EU service. Riot Games runs EU and NA, and the same tech teams and operations teams oversee both services.

EU however presents unique challenges that NA does not, one major difference between EU and NA is that the EU service is extremely popular and due to timezone differences in EU, most players play at the same time.

What this means is that there is a smaller window of time on EU where a very large number of players begin to play, this spike causes more strain on the chat system than is seen in NA. This is why the chat system on NA has less problems than the one on EU.

Our internal tech team is working on this issue, but unfortunately the fix for this issue requires re-architecting how chat fundamentally works. This is something we have been trying to bandaid for months now and have decided that the only way to really fix the problem is to address the root causes. These changes are significant and deeply rooted, which is why this change has been so long in development.

Do not think that we do not care about EU, there are many guys here at our NA offices working day and night to fix the problems in EU. We are also considering all options to lower the stress on the EU system. This is a very serious problem for us as well as you, and it is something we are making progress on.

I am sure the community teams will come up with more detailed and better sounding messaging than this, but know that we are working on the problem.

Messages : 559
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010

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