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improve microing

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improve microing Empty improve microing

Message par makemashita Dim 16 Jan - 0:08

chopé sur les excellents forums de runeterra...

improve microing : a guide to smartcast and selfcast
In Starcraft, an immensely popular RTS game, there is microing and macroing (nouns). Macroing means building up economy by managing workers and buildings to achieve the greatest efficiency; microing means controlling each units to achieve the best positioning leading to higher survivability and damage output. In league of Legends, only microing exists because you only control one unit -your champion. Microing in LoL is necessary to position yourself to last hit, harass the enemy champions, and most importantly, survive. If you watch pros' livestream, you will see that they are constantly clicking -some might say a bit excessive- to move their characters around even by an inch at a time. Pros are constantly aware of their positions and their enemy's position, of course, being familiar with the range of autoattacks and skills for most characters, they can move in and out without getting a scratch. Sometimes you will see two pros moving back and forth without attacking (except for last hit) as if they are in an invisible tug of war. For pros, microing is their second nature.

Microing a champion to its fullest potential requires more than just clicking the mouse. There are several hotkeys that are very useful. For example, the "A" key allows you to move to a location while attacking everything in your path -decent for last hitting. The "S" key allows you to stop everything you are doing (moving, casting, w.e), which can help you last hit if you timed your previous hit too early. The "H" key acts as a sentry by rooting you in a position while attacking everything that comes in range until you decide to move. There are many other hotkeys which I won't go in to detail. You can find them in game via "esc" -> menu -> "key bindings", and experiment with each of them.

The two most important microing mechanisms in my opinion are smartcast and selfcast. Smartcast allows you to instantly cast a skill (except for self-buffs) at your cursor location without needing to aim and then click manually. Selfcast allows you to instantly cast a skill on yourself (heals, buffs) without needing to click on yourself. Both of them saves you a precious second, which could be the difference between life and death, kill or miss. The problem with smartcast and selfcast at the moment that discourages most players from using them (many don't even know what they are) because of the awkward default key setup. To smartcast, you have to press "shift" + skill key, which is difficult for many players because you have to basically shift your entire hand to smartcast, defeating the purpose of casting quickly. Selfcast exhibits the same problem by forcing you to press "alt" + skill key, very awkward. (if you are a pianist, you might do better). Therefore, I will teach you how to make smartcast and selfcast viable again.

Hotkey setup overview
Smartcast and selfcast custom key settings cannot be made up of 2 separate key combinations, such as "T" + "skill key" -the key binding program won't let you do that. But that's ok, its better to assign it to one key for selfcast or smartcast because its much easier than pressing 2 keys. I do not recommend assigning smartcast for skills that require some AOE aiming (e.g. ashe's volley) because unless you can imagine the spread range in your head (your cursor is at the middle of the AOE skillshot), you will miss a lot. For assigning keys, you can assign whatever you want, but keep the following in mind:

1. must be easy to reach
2. "tab" cannot be reassigned
3. make sure you do not forget the other key you unbinded to bind your new hotkey.
4. make sure you change hotkey setup for different characters. But most primary skillshots are Q (e.g. kennen's shuriken)
5. most of the time, unless you are playing a support with 2 different buff mechanisms, stick with 1 extra hotkey (smartcast or selfcast, not both), it's enough. But if you have rapid finger dexterity and want to control 8 or more hotkeys, be my guest.

Champions that should have hotkeys assigned for smartcast include:
1. champions with skillshots in any form (e.g. ezreal's "Q", Anivia's Wall, Annie's bear...)
2. optional: champions with targetable heals (e.g. taric's heal)
3. not recommended: champions with targetable skills (e.g. Yi's Alpha Strike)

Below I will show you my recommended setup.

The "T" hotkey (QWER+T)
Perhaps the best hotkey for assigning and extra smartcast or selfcast skill is the "T" hotkey. In this setup, your index finger controls both "R" and "T" -very convenient. Remember for most characters only assign one extra hotkey, be it smartcast or self-cast. In Ragnarök Online (popular mmorpg), I use battlemode (/bm) setup when PvPing and use up to 37 hotkeys. But this is not RO, and any keys more than necessary will screw up your game.

The draw back of using "T" as hotkey could be that you might accidentally press "R". But with practice and a calm nerve, not a problem.

To assign, follow the steps below:
1. in game, press "esc" -> menu -> "key bindings"
2. scroll down to find smartcast/selfcast skill X (whatever you want to setup), and assign "T" to the secondary hotkey. (or primary, w.e)
3.the "T" key's default use is for something else. Find it and unbind the default use.

Remember for most characters only assign one extra hotkey, be it smartcast or self-cast, choose the BEST SKILL. For champions with many skillshots, choose the BEST ONE.

"T" key skills smartcast champions examples (skillshot focused):
-Kennen's Q (shuriken)
-Corki's R (rocket)
-Blitzcrank's Q (grab)
-malphite's R (charge)
and many other "Q" and "R" skillshots, etc...

"T" key skills selfcast champions examples (self-buff focused):
-morgana's E (shield)
-Kayle's (E or R, your choice)
-Taric's Q and Soraka's E (heal)
and many other shields and heals.

OPTIONAL: The "Y" hotkey (QWER+TY, or QWERTY)
Use this setup if you are a support heavy champion with multiple self or smartcast skills, like Zilean (and only Zilean), or if you think you are 1337 and can control keys like mad, you can also assign another skillshot key to "Y". Again, not recommended.

To setup "Y", follow similar instruction for "T". Make sure remove "Y" default binding (camera lock).

For Zilean, I recommend the following:
-2 selfcasts, no smartcast
-"T" for selfcast "E", Time warp, to speed yourself up
-"Y" for selfcast "R", Chrono shift, revive yourself.

Good luck and have fun!

Dernière édition par kukrapoc le Dim 12 Juin - 14:19, édité 1 fois

Messages : 559
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010

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Message par makemashita Dim 12 Juin - 14:18

Pour aller plus loin dans la maitrise du microing, ce lien explique bien le principe d'animation cancelling (pour dota, mais c'est pareil pour lol) : http://www.playdota.com/learn/animations

l'idée est simple : les auto-attacks et les sorts entrainent l'exécution d'une animation associée. cette animation a une durée. on peut distinguer deux parties. le début de l'animation (attack animation) puis la fin (damage backswing).

le moment qui distingue ces séquences, c'est le damage point (le moment de l'animation qui voit partir le projectile...)

maitriser l'animation cancelling, c'est donner un ordre immédiatement après le damage point de sorte que l'animation ne se termine pas.

typiquement, pour chase un ennemi avec un ad distance, plutôt que de faire simplement un clic droit sur l'adversaire et de laisser le jeu gérer, il vaut mieux après chaque damage point de chaque auto-attack donner un ordre de déplacement à son perso (afin de ne pas exécuter le backswing) pour qu'il reprenne sa course plus tôt. on doit alors refaire un clic droit sur l'adversaire pour l'attaquer à nouveau, etc.

tout ça est particulièrement important pour l'early, quand les vitesses d'attaque (et donc de lecture de l'animation) sont lentes, ainsi que pour certains casters. les persos qui ont une animation de backswing longue bénéficient bien sûr davantage de la maitrise de l'annulation de cette partie de leur animation.

Dernière édition par kukrapoc le Jeu 28 Juil - 21:54, édité 1 fois

Messages : 559
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010

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Message par makemashita Jeu 28 Juil - 21:19

post un peu confus mais néanmoins éclairant sur le blog d'elementz : http://rog.clgaming.net/blogs/just-atlanta/2743-lesser-known-mechanics-in-lol-part-one-animations-cast-queues-and-use-movement-prediction

un point important concerne l'option 'use movement prediction' : il faut absolument l'activer. cette option est op !

Lesser Known Mechanics in LoL, Part One: Animations, Cast Queues, and "use movement prediction"

I'll take a wager you've seen a Malzahar that's been able to cast EVERYTHING at the same time or that you've wondered how that Annie just chunked your shit, other than rolling her face across the keyboard. That's actually exactly what she did. Little girls can play annie. Are you a little girl? Good. Love the brownies, btw. Now let's go upstairs to my room so I can teach you about...


1. Every time you cast a spell, immediately right click in the direction you were going to go after you casted the spell, forward if you're on the aggressive, to the side if you're juking a responsive target area cast, or backwards if your intention was to harass or leave quickly. This is a fundamental of most competitive games known as animation cancelling.

I know you're not fucking three years old and this probably isn't your first game but if you don't know about this shit then ... you need to know. Canceling your animations correctly(or autoattacks, I will post about that in a different thread as some of the mechanics are more complex) can make a large difference in the distance you cover while you are trying to kill someone. This is mostly relevant for single instances of low-order cast combos like W-Q on annie that can be canceled into an autoattack. Higher order cast combos usually require you to clear the cast queue or set up a new one so right-click cancelling will hamper you there, but only slightly
2. Cast Queues: Casts can be "queued up" within a theoretical one-second window where you could space an arbitrary number of casts (and right clicks) off and get them all done in one second. When all the buttons for the casts are pressed during a period of time where you're already in the middle of another animation(in other words, during a cast), all the casts will be performed in order that you pressed the buttons. These casts can be re-ordered in the same cast queue, which I will dub "clearing the queue". Mashing buttons during a cast queue will rapidly re-order the casts to the point where you won't even know which is going to come out first(lol) but will ultimately result in the fastest possible cast.

The easiest example I can possibly give for cast queues is Tristana. Tristana's rocket jump allows her to queue up EVERY OTHER CAST in her arsenal while airborne from Rocket Jump. The result is being able to land on top of someone as they're being knocked back. The end result is they're now away from you, taking damage per second, and slowed. Additionally, you can queue up an autoattack or a movement cancel on your way down.

3. Cast times : Certain casts take less time and have different animations than other casts, so ordering the casts by time will increase the efficiency of your combo and likelihood of success. There's a "4 actions per second" rule that MUST BE OBSERVED when using spell combos. Cast times factor into this, and using a number of casts that take up the entire 1 second window so that your slowest cast can be cast on the next 1 second window is crucial to nailing the timing on some of the combos that involve long casts(think of the times where you used E and then ezreal ulted someone that's in your face to start a fight... right, never). Most of the most amazing mechanical players in this game observe this rule without realizing it, as it is second nature. FLASH AND RIGHT CLICKING are included in this rule (only once), so every time you've said "WAO Y MY NO FLAHS GO WTF BROKN GAEM" - that was it. When you try to cast during the 4 action rule and you've already acted 4 times, you straight up fail the cast and if you don't press the button in the next 1 second window, it won't go off at all. How different players observe the 'cast window' can be seen in the order and "flow" they cast their skills in.

I'd advise you to play it by ear here when it comes to cast length as opposed to me spoon feeding you the exact time of each cast from each character, but I'll give an two examples anyway. All of malzahar's casts have different animations, with his Q being the longest, and his W being the shortest. The general trend is the longer the ability takes to affect the target, the longer it takes to cast. Examples include ezreal's R and most other channeled abilities. Thusly, you don't want to lead with malzahar's silence on a target you plan to combo(unless you silenced your target then allowed the window to clear). It is possible to silence combo, but it's not ideal and you'll probably lose out on some damage. Ideally, you just want E, W, and R to take up your first 1-second window.

Annie's tibbers, cone, and shield are all instantly cast, and all 3 of annie's casts have the same animation, so the order of the cast is not as important to the combo, and as a result Annie is incredibly easy to kill people with MASH ALL MY BUTTONS!. The difference in Annie's case is that W has the property of low range, instant stun, R has high range, instant stun, and Q has high range, delayed stun. Her play revolves more around getting in range of the opponent than it does combo efficiency (plus her combo includes a stun and you can vary the timing of the stun to maximize tibbers attack if you so choose)

give exhibit A, poorly drawn chart in ms paint (ms PENCIL, faggot), where arbitrary values for cast times are inserted into the 1 second window (or in this picture a box) cast time. Right click is actually a huge factor in this, but I omitted it to make for an easy example.

4. Use movement prediction. Use it. There's a setting in the game that makes your AOEs UTTER BULLSHIT! ESC menu->more options->use movement prediction.

This setting allows you to hit people who have left your cast circle within <your ping up to ??? milliseconds, but definitely capped> of using it. Think of every time someone's cast something that you've flashed out of and still got hit by. Use movement prediction. Even for those of you who have low pings, this marvelous gem of complete bullshit may score you free kills from abilities people totally f'ing flashed out of. It's also how I land some bullshit tristana jumps(although I landed some REALLY bullshit ones back when I had 150ping) The initial intent of this feature was to make it so that people who are lagging can play at a decent level without missing their skills due to latency issues. So what this feature then does is estimates where everything in your target area was <your ping> into the past, and if anyone WAS there, it would hit them, no matter where they were. Think of every time you've died after riftwalking, dashing, or flashing and thinking to yourself "what bullshit, I totally got away" TF's that were dead in the location they teleported to, etc

I'd like for all of you to share your thoughts in the comment box so that we may have a discussion about game mechanics. My end goal is to further knowledge of LoL and would gladly take out time to discuss that with anyone.

Messages : 559
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2010

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